Monday, May 30, 2011

Gaudi continued and then a bit o'L Oceanográfic

So in the spirit of the Oceanográfic we visited today, I thought I would include my favorite Gaudi house that we visited on Saturday in Barcelona, and its ocean inspired detail elements, and then some real photos of Europe's largest aquarium.

This is the view of the "house" from the street. It's a bunch of apartments really, I think people actually live in some of them...not entirely sure. I was distracted from my recorded tour because I was taking lots of photos.

So this is the Casa Batilló (duly noted). From what I gathered it was/is an apartment complex he designed for rich people that was almost completely inspired by ocean elements. (See below)

This is the wallpaper throughout a lot of the house, it was made to represent fish scales, and varied from grays to light gold to hues of pink, green, and yellow.

These were the stairways that had glass that was supposed to reflect the motion of the water and the flowing bars for the gentle waves.

As the tiles ascended, they changed from light to dark so you could feel like you were descending into the depths of the ocean blue....pretty neat concept.

Elements like the windows and lights were made to reflect certain animals, these were representative of the backs of sea turtle shells. 

This one is of a sea urchin. 

The hallway upstairs leading to the roof of the house was supposed to look like gill slits. It was also very spatially efficient in addition to being aesthetically interesting. 

This is a partial view of the roof. Not sure how this part was indicative of the sea, but it was still very pretty!

So that was basically Gaudi.

Now onto the Oceanográfico! It was neat, we got to see a dolphin show and a few exhibits on the Mediterranean, the deep ocean, and los Tiburones (sharks!).

Not much to say about it, a lot of things were similar to the Fort Fisher aquarium, so I'll just let you enjoy the pictures.  :)

I really like this one. 

This last one is for Alejandro!

Maybe one day I'll be able to keep up with my travel stories as they happen, but for now, no pasa nada (it doesn't matter). Hope you are enjoying it all the same. Love from España <3

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