Monday, June 6, 2011

A long and uneventful weekend.

Not too many photos, because this weekend we all ended up staying here. Lindsay, one of my roommates was in bed with some cold the whole weekend, and my other roommate has an ear infection so I was left to my own devices.

Two nights I went out to bars with some other people from our program, but it gets way too loud and expensive. Every where we went there were so many Italians. The loudest of the loud. And usually after being at the bars for a few hours, people want to go to discotecas (they open around 2am or 3) but their cover is usually a minimum of 10 or 15 Euros (that's $14 or $21 USD) and their drinks start at 8 Euros (no thank you). I'd rather go shopping.

So I did. I managed to go to the Best Buy of Spain, known as Fnac, and get a cord for my external hard drive, and buy a movie that is only available here in Spain I've been wanting since my Spanish Cinema class called Celda 211.  Intermittently, I watched a few movies on my laptop as well (in english). And worked on my upcoming papers.

Today, we had a test in Spanish, but I feel like I didn't do so hot. Grammar is not my strong point and neither are spanish names of instruments. Good thing it's pass-fail.

Marketing also had a paper due, and the assignments continue all of this week so unfortunately I think our free days will be spent with me doing lots and and lots of schoolwork. Boo.

But in the meantime, here are two photos from a few of my weekend walks. I figured out how to get from our apartment to downtown without the metro, and mastered most of the tourist areas (it only took me 3 hrs!--ugh)

This first one is what all of the little tiendas look like in front of the church tower we climbed when we were here the first week. It has a gelato place next door that we'll hopefully document our visit to one day with flavors like "patata y cebolla" (potato and onion) and "doughnut."

This one is in the "Plaza de Virgen," a huge open area with this fountain and a variety of apartment buildings, old cathedrals, and shops.

That's all for now, tomorrow's agenda is the Biopark (the zoo), but it is supposed to rain so I'm not sure how that will turn out. We were told we could pet the lemurs though, which is kind of exciting if it's true.  Much love from Spain! <3

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